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Your data and your screening results

If you take part in the population screening program, you give permission to use your details and the results of the screening for the population screening program and any follow-up testing at the hospital.


Protection of your personal data and privacy

The administrative system that we use for the population screening is well secured. Only those people who need to see your information to perform the screening can use it. We comply with the legislation that protects your privacy.


 With the data from your participation RIVM can improve the population screening through scientific research. The data from all participants combined will provide valuable information. If your data and/or the bodily material is used for scientific research, we make sure that the researcher does not know from whom the data or bodily material originated. RIVM will only use your data and/or bodily material for (scientific) research, if you give permission to do so. You can withdraw this permission at any time, without telling the reason why.

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